Women Talk Real Estate offers public speaking training and
professional development initiatives tailored to female professionals.
Visibility matters - join our speaker platform
We help increase the visibility of female and ethnic minority professionals, and those from other under-represented groups in the European built environment industry. Join our database and connect with speaking opportunities.
Join to practice public speaking, hear the latest trends and "meet" peers.
Register for our upcoming courses
We run regular public speaking and communication training courses for female professionals and to date over a 1000 of you have attended. Please click here to find out what's coming up.
ULI European Trish Barrigan Award for DEI
Our Director Andrea Carpenter was awarded the ULI European Trish Barrigan Award for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in June this year. This prestigious industry award is for an individual standing out for their leadership and contribution in advancing and promoting DEI in the real estate industry and the broader community.